
Bad News,

Bad news, the Sharia's coming,
Bad news, oh, the Sharia's coming
Bad news, the Sharia's coming,
I don't want it to kick my behind.

Long black robe we're having, I know
Long black robe we're having, I know
Long black robe we're having, I know
Yeah, I don't want it to kick my behind.

(repeat chorus)

Mosque at 9/11, I know
Mosque at 9/11, I know
Mosque at 9/11, I know
And I don't want it to kick my behind.

(repeat chorus)

Imams be beheading, I know
Imams be beheading, I know
Imams be beheading, I know
And I don't want to see a sword,
I don't want it to kick my behind.


Except it isn't. To use a pithy phrase from the construction industry, there isn't a cunt hair's difference--not even a red cunt hair's difference [don't ask me, I don't make these things up]
--between sharia law and the Biblical law Jim Demint is lobbying for, and Christine O'Donnell, and Taliban Dan Webster.
If you're an idiot, you'll fall for the Ministry of Truth's line and focus on what the muslims doing it to women, and ignore the fact that the christians are doing the SAME GODDAM THING.

It's not mooslimes against christstains, and it's not sharia law against biblical law, it's religious extremism against common fucking human decency.

That is all.


Andrew Hall said...

I like it. It has a beat and you can dance to it.


William Quincy Belle said...

I agree with your aetheism and I like the mocking approach to your critiques. Quite amusing. The Chicken Littles have completely forgotten just how bad Christianity (or any organised religion) has been over the years. I think it has more to do with people just being xeonophobic. I enjoyed the read; I'll be back. :-)