
Is this a Joke?

If you know anyone who would buy this product, my advice is to stay far, far away from them.


Marzie said...

You owe me a keyboard.

I just spit pop all over it.

Andrew Hall said...

That was disturbing - predictable but disturbing.


Ketan said...

Wow! Is that a mouse in the underwear? ;)

Margarita del Norte said...

"If you know anyone who would buy this product, my advice is to stay far, far away from them. "

Trouble is, by the time you find out if they would buy this product, you are already too close...

Joé McKen said...

Oy-fucking-vey in the back of a redneck’s pickup truck. (And they’re lesbians, ’cuz Oy and Vey sound like exotic feminine names to me.)

Seriously, do any men really want something like this?

(Why do I ask …?)