
Sluts FTW

So the Osgoode Hall Law School in Toronto holds a school safety forum, and the police send a jerk who tells them that if they don't want to get raped they should “Avoid dressing like sluts.”

Fuck that, and two students founded SlutWalk Toronto, held a demonstration and expected a couple hundred people to show up. They got over 3000.

Since that, SlutWalk has gone viral, with Facebook groups organizing satellite SlutWalks all over the place. As of now when I write this and May 7, there'll be SlutWalks in Asheville, Dallas, Hartford, Boston and Rochester. You can add your city if it isn't on the list.

This Huffpo piece tells more,

there's a kickass video here that I can't embed (Boo, Hiss),

Figleaf tells how this affects men

and here is the  OFFICIAL WEBSITE.

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Marzie said...

Love this! (And you for posting about it) How I wish there was one in Miami... Will have to see about that.

Joé McKen said...

I’ve always loved sluts. (Call it a kink, I suppose.) Yay for SlutWalk, though too bad I didn’t hear of it until a few days after it had happened.